新型纳格萨H2丙烷锻造炉的设计更高效、更安全、更环保。更高效:比同类炉子少消耗75%的煤气,达到更高的温度。(超过1300ºC)。更安全:它为操作员配备了新的安全系统。遵守RD919/2006规定。100%尊重环境:CO排放量低于0.002%,内置蛭石涂层,100%天然可回收。用于装饰打造•史密斯的热铁,直到它的可塑性,可以塑造来达到所需的形状,棒的结束工作,生产马蹄铁,刀,剑,轴,各种艺术锻造,在铁和铁艺装饰雕塑,铁花园家具、铁艺的椅子,铁艺表……它是旧锻炉的很好的替代品,干净得多,速度快,效率高。安全:操作人员的安全是设计所有Nargesa设备的主要前提之一。 The H2 forging furnace has got all the necessary safety devices for the well-being of the operator that will handle it and it is according to the regulations in force in Spain, the Regulation of appliances that use gas as fuel RD919 / 2006. • - Automatic electronic ignition: Prevents the operator from inserting his hands in the combustion chamber to turn on the gas. No tool is necessary to generate the spark.