配合单机PONSE Buffalo Dual是一种高效的收割机和强大的转发器的组合。使用双重时,您可以经济地运行单机的运营成本。它可以从收割机转换成货转发器并在几分钟内回来。布法罗双重技术具有绝对的Ponse品质,在实践中测试并熟悉其他模型。Ponsse Buffalodulual灵活补充标准机器的容量。它在使用两台机器的地点也是一种成本效益的解决方案太多而且太昂贵了。双是一种简单而坚实的组合机,基于Ponsse Buffalo转发器。它的容量足以满足稀疏和能源木材收获。双重也是小直径的再生砍伐。其负荷承载能力为14吨,或者高达15吨,均衡的转向架。 Its powerful working hydraulics and crane make Dual an efficient machine, both as a harvester and as a forwarder. PONSSE Buffalo Dual is more than a forwarder with just a harvester head added – it is a special tool designed as a dual machine from the beginning. OTHER Equipment A broad range of optional equipment is available in addition to standard equipment. For more information about standard and optional equipment, consult your nearest PONSSE retailer. Legal notes The manufacturer reserves the right to make technical changes and improvements.