使用半自动双剪,所有产品-单份或链,长香肠,半环或环-都可以高效生产。必威体育app官方下载它们可以封闭直径达50毫米的纤维、胶原蛋白或天然套管,以及直径达90毫米的塑料套管。优点•高性能,购买成本低•压缩空气操作,空气消耗低•清晰,操作简单•人体工程学手柄,可单独适应操作员的长度•低噪音操作•可在需要时升级,模块化设计•清洗香肠尾,可根据产品特点调整中间浇口刀•气动切断刀的简单交换•产品托盘的高度和倾角可调没有工具质量和卫生•由于光滑的表面易于清洁•倾斜表面提高水可选设备•自动排水的电影(GSE)•手动尺蠖•字符串自动分发器与筒管架•装饰性的设备• 3 models: table-top version, on height-adjustable trolley or with base plate • V-shaped trolley for optimum positioning under the table with simple height adjustment with filling horn key • Pneumatically movable casing brake holder • Portioning device for sausage tray • Pressure reducer with filter FUNCTION AND OPERATION The clipper can be placed as required in front of or coupled mechanically with the filler; electrical coupling is possible in addition. When the operator closes the separator, the filled casing is centred at the closure site, separated without emulsion and securely double-clipped. The casing can be cut between the two clips at the same time.