基于web的人机界面软件-您的自动化在全视图!简单的配置和优化可视化您的自动化项目与PASvisu。betway必威手机版官网下载这给你一个方便,全面的概述您的工厂-本地和通过远程访问!多亏了广泛的样式表,PASvisu以一种视觉上复杂的方式可视化你的自动betway必威手机版官网下载化项目。从1.8版开始,PASvisu现在有多个数据源的可视化。在PASvisu项目中,可以看到来自多个来源的数据。您可以在一个可视化项目中显示来自不同控制器或自动化系统的数据,如PNOZmulti 2和PSS 4000项目。betway必威手机版官网下载包括诊断选项。您还可以:—为每个告警配置图形,以后可以在告警列表的详细信息中显示。在变量编辑器中同时创建多个PASvisu变量。 - Configure the number of decimal places to be displayed for the target value and/or actual value of recipes in the online project. - As part of data logging during export, specify the period for which data is to be exported. - And much more… Integral recipe manager To change parameters on plants and machinery, certain specifications are required. Numerous set values have to be created, changed and transferred to the controller. You can implement this easily via the user-friendly recipe manager from PASvisu. Store the values for the variables and add them to the data sets. In this way you can quickly and easily define the data sets for your recipes and load them into the controller in runtime. Changes such as cloning, editing or deleting are now also possible at any time