两种范围 - 平台刻度/更高分辨率/计数功能/和功能/可拆卸三脚架/电池/容器称重功能/双向RS232接口强大的工业规模是真正的全圆形。工业规模的立场可以很容易地与平台上的三脚架安装在平台上,并且可能沉入工作台。平台和显示屏之间的电缆有插头,长度为1.6米。TheInultial Scale的显示器位于具有保护等级IP54的不锈钢壳体中。显示屏可以放置在工作台上,在墙壁上或平台秤的支架上。P2 - weighing surface: 500 x 600 mm In addition to the standard functions such as counting, summing, gross / net weighing, limit weighing function and the PEAK Hold function, theindustrial scale has two special functions, i.e.the filter function for dynamic weighings and the container weighing function. The bidirectional RS232 interface allows convenient communication with a PC or printer. With the Per Query Command, the weight of theindustrial scale can be queried from the PC. A similar industrial scale, but in calibrated form, we can provide with the PCE-SD series. - Single Point platform scale (1 load cell) - Two-range scale 15/30 kg - Freely adjustable measuring unit kg/... - Bidirectional RS232 interface - Battery or mains operation - Display IP54 protection - Tripod incl. removable tripod mount - Off timer (deactivated) - Hold function (freezing the weight display) - PEAK / MAX weighing function - Sum function - Piece counting function - Animal weighing function - Weighing function limit MIN / OK / MAX