多参数光度计是一种移动的液体分析测量装置。这意味着多参数光度计可以进行最多样化的测量。用这种多参数光度计,例如,它可以测定碱度,氯,三聚氰酸或pH值。为了用多参数光度计进行测量,必须将10ml的水样置于比色皿中。内置在多参数光度计中的LED产生波长范围为503 nm、570 nm和620 nm的测试光。光电二极管现在根据样品的光透射来识别要测量的值。每次测量都由多参数光度计自动保存。例如,通过多参数光度计内置的蓝牙接口,可以通过移动设备读取存储的测量值。一个免费的应用程序可以分析多参数光度计的测量值。也可以在多参数光度计和计算机之间建立蓝牙连接。 Free software is also available for this, with which the measurement data can be analyzed. As another special feature of the multi-parameter photometer, the measurement data can be uploaded to a cloud using both variants and accessed from anywhere. This service for the multi-parameter photometer is also free of charge. - Adjustable units: mg / l, ppm - Up to 13 selectable parameters - Bluetooth connection with app - Exchangeable and lockable cuvette - 503 nm / 570 nm / 620 nm LED - Automatic shutdown when inactive - Many different menu languages - Light detector: photodiode