PCE-TUM 20浊度计0…1000 NTU浊度测量范围/红外LED光源/校准参考包括PCE-TUM 20是一个便携式手持浊度计或水质分析浊度计。该浊度测量装置配有大液晶显示屏和用户友好的键盘。浊度计具有两个自动切换测量范围0…50南洋理工大学和50…1000 NTU增加精度。使用包含的校准参考0 NTU和100 NTU,仪表可以在任何时候调整。(注:NTU为浊度浊度单位。)在仪表内部,有一个波长为850nm的红外LED光源。与测量射线成90°角的光电二极管吸收溶解过程中粒子反射的光。 Diffused light or Nephelometric measuring methods are used for the lower measuring range. For the higher measuring range, an additional photodiode is positioned at the opposite side; therefore, measurement is performed via the transmitted light method. Measuring range 0.00 to 50.0 NTU and 50 to 1000 NTU Resolution0.01 and 1 NTU Accuracy ± 5 % from measuring range or ± 0.5 NTU Light source LED, infrared at 850 nm LifetimeAlmost unlimited Light detectorPhotodiode Measurement time< 10 sec. Power supply6 x 1.5 V AAA batteries Operating conditions< 50 °C / 122 °F, < 85 % RH DimensionsApprox. 155 x 76 x 62 mm / 6.1 x 3.0 x 2.4" (H x W x D) WeightApprox. 320 g / 0.71 lb