铝管扩展三通换气接头快速安装,使用最小的工具。所有Transair配件的设计都可以安全地安装在Transair铝管周围,提高系统效率,防止压缩空气泄漏。Transair配件有多种风格,便于压缩空气、真空和工业/惰性气体系统的组装和布局设计。Transair的所有组件都可以集成到现有的铜或钢系统中,便于现有系统的扩展。Transair管件的“全孔径”设计,配合铝管中的低摩擦系数,确保整个压缩空气系统的最佳流量。所有配件都是100%可回收,无硅,并由材料没有传播火焰。所有配件均符合UL94HB标准。派克汉尼汾保证所有Transair部件从安装之日起10年内在材料和工艺上无缺陷。Transair 1/2 " (16.5mm), 1 " (25mm)和1-1/2 " (40mm)配件使用推接技术。所有配件从工厂发货,预扭矩和标记。 To install, just push the pipe into the fitting until the insertion mark meets the end of the fitting. There is no need to tighten the nut of the fitting further. All 1/2” 1”, and 1-1/2”; pipes come from the factory with the insertion depth pre-marked, but if field cutting is required, the insertion depth needs to be marked using a Transair marking tool.