紧凑型FORWARDER FOR DIFFICULT TERRAIN Logset 5F GT是一个通用的紧凑型FORWARDER。它非常适合于疏伐作业,但也可以用于较小的净伐作业。这是一个12吨的货代与经济引擎,旨在运输最大负荷。巨大的26,5“轮胎和高地面间隙使这台机器是各种地形的正确选择。4缸4.9升AGCO动力发动机有足够的扭矩克服轻的挑战,但极低的油耗。货代是紧凑的,所以在狭窄的角落转弯很容易,而不影响地面净空。Logset 5F GT是非常可靠的,不需要大量的备件。由于这些特性,它的运行成本非常低。高生产率还需要尽可能最好的人体工程学。机舱有有效的隔音和大窗户提供良好的视野在各个方向。 The user friendly TOC 2 control system gives a good precision both for crane and transmission. The driver can work fast and efficiently without strain. The automatic cruise control allows the driving speed to be easily adjusted with a potentiometer. The constant driving speed facilitates the operator’s work and lowers the fuel consumption. Easy access for service jobs and a big fuel tank minimize service interruptions. Eight advantages with the Logset forwarder ENGINE The diesel engine in the Logset forwarder range has the best combination of good fuel economy and outstanding power, but it is also environmentally friendly.