UNIVERSAL镜片支架UNOH 25个所述的通用镜片支架UNOH 25是用于光学7毫米到直径16mm。它们可以安装在载玻片上RT 25用于SYS 25或上引脚柔性的。小杆打开臂和光学器件可以容易地安装为眨眼。The release of the lever closes the high-quality plastic arms and holds them securely in the center of the beam with the UNOH 25. for use with SYS 25 deformation-resistant aluminium refection-poor, black anodized holding arms made of POM for optics from ways of installing ø 7 mm up to 16 mm ways of installing - on slide RT 25 - with STF 15-25-AM4-3 on pin