方形筒仓在相同的建筑面积下,方形筒仓的存储能力比圆形筒仓高出25%。因此,对于散装货物来说,正方形是最大容量的合适形状。首先,我们方筒仓的独特之处在于其超光滑的平面墙面。即使是最困难的产品也没有任何问题。必威体育app官方下载由于我们的巧妙设计,我们可以确保结构内部没有焊缝。然而,“粮仓”仍然保持着它的实力。矩形筒仓的特点是具有最佳的存储容量和灵活的布局选择。一个巧妙的设计产生最好的产品放电与最大的存储容量。有了方形筒仓,你也在投资一个安全、卫生的工作环境。我们的组织100%专注于这个筒仓概念,从销售、设计到生产和安装。 We are able to handle projects from A to Z: from the steel support structure to the insulating cladding and from functional design up to and including fitting. If desired, the square silos can be supported by a calculated steel construction based on the individual requirements. The calculation will be worked out in the smallest detail and meet the European standards. The requirements of the local regulations are also taken into account. Our silo system consists of various steel silo components that are assembled in a modular fashion layer by layer. Our system is the most effective solution for dry and granular bulk goods that are to be further processed into various types and grades.