Orbis提供其Bulkpak®3230系列,用于处理,存储和分配高密度,小于中等大小的零件。这些容器在多个高度中可用,基于32“x 30”占地面积,并以各种中型和重型款式提供,以满足各种各样的应用需求。HDRS3832-23Bulkpak®HDRS3832-23专为工业供应链中的金属成型零件,冲压和其他重型物品而设计和储存。它们为电线筐或金属浴缸提供了一种成本效益和符合人体工程学的替代品。所有容器都是在高密度聚乙烯中模制的结构泡沫,以耐久性。可以直接向装配线提供联合载荷以立即展示,没有展开或未脱颖而出。固定墙体样式(HDRS型号)可用于支持重,密集的组件。在储存期间并在彼此上牢固地运输这些散装箱堆叠。托盘箱提供了当今物料搬运和分配系统所需的强度和坚固耐用性。所有Orbis Bulkpak集装箱都提供定制保护船只。 These plastic containers are fully recyclable at the end of their service life. (All dimensions and specifications are approximate. Performance characteristics are based on uniform static loads and may be affected by distribution of load, handling methods, number and type of access doors and temperatures beyond the range of 0 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.) • 38" x 32" x 23" footprint • Fixed Walls • Structural foam molded in high-density polyethylene • Areas on all four sides for identification options • Container capacity: 1800 lbs • Deck: Closed