The MDI-4×00 serie可能是目前最好的扫描引擎。它由一个速度极快的摄像头组成,可以快速拍摄条形码并解码。它的规模是惊人的;它仅仅是10mm的厚度(MDI-4100)或6mm的分离解码器版本(MDI-4000)。这个引擎是每个工程师必须拥有的认真采取下一个层次的扫描。MDI-4×00用于各种集成产品和设备,执行任何高端任务。必威体育app官方下载因为MDI-4×00在其应用上是通用的,它可以集成到任何需要最先进的扫描技术的产品中。该引擎可用于自助服务站、需要扫描的自助服务站或停车售票机。这是Opticon有史以来最小的引擎,但不要被它的尺寸所蒙蔽。与此引擎集成在您的产品,它可以处理扫描顺利提供给用户一个愉快的用户体验。 This engine is packing a powerful 800MHz with an integrated high performance decoder so it can decode 1D & 2D barcodes and OCR-B font faster then ever. This engine is the very best with a high quality CMOS camera good for a maximum of 100 frames scanned per second. Whenever it scans from paper, LCD, mobile phones, computer or PDA’s the MDI-4×00 can read it perfectly. Even on poor printed or damaged barcodes it performs very well. The green and white LED is there to give the user a visual feedback to their scanning.