视频内窥镜为长管道系统和热交换器检查更远,更快远距离遥控目视检查(RVI)是快速和有效的与IPLEX GAIR视频内窥镜。柔性和可操作性,视频内窥镜的30米(98英尺)或20米(65英尺)的插入管可以很容易地通过多个肘复杂的管道系统移动。当你达到考核指标,可以提供高品质的审视它,广视角的图像和明亮的LED照明。长距离管道检测的IPLEX视频内窥镜盖尔联合机动性和亮度长距离,因此您可以快速到达遥远的目标,并确定缺陷。- 通过复杂的管道机动:导向头减少摩擦和容易越过管之间的接头,而通用推杆适配器使通过管道和弯头的平滑通道 - 精确关节无论长度:气动关节具有集成的空气压缩机提供的精细控制,and the Tapered Flex™ insertion tube balances stiffness and flexibility for easy maneuvering - Know your location: the gravity sensor rotates live images regardless of the scope’s orientation, and the insertion length indicator enables you to track the insertion tube’s position Convenient Videoscope Features • Quickly change scopes: the waterproof scope unit can be swapped with no special tools • Comfortable viewing angle: place the detachable LCD screen where you want • Easy to transport: the compact, wheeled carrying case is easy to move—when you’re ready to inspect, the wheels lock to keep the unit stationary