Olympus' MPLFLN-BDP lens is a one of our semi apochromat MPLFLN-BD objectives, this universal series provides the highest optimal performance in polarized light and differential contrast observation. M Plan Semi-Apochromat MPLFLN-BDP • Objective lenses dedicated to Brightfield, Darkfield, Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) and polarized light • Plan semi-apochromat objective lenses corrected for apochromatic aberration at a high level • A line-up of objective lenses from 5x through 100x with working distance of 1mm or more • Unified pupil position from 5x through 100x to eliminate the need for switching DIC prism when changing objective lenses Specifications Magnification [X]: 5 Numerical aperture (NA): 0.15 Working distance (WD) [mm]: 12 Objective Field Number: 26.5 Immersion medium: Air/Dry Spring loaded: N/A Correction collar: N/A Correction range of correction collar: N/A Iris: N/A Correction level of chromatic aberration: Semi-apochromat (FL) Parfocalizing distance [mm]: 45 Back focal plane (BFP) position: -8.0 Type of screw thread: W26X0.706 Brightfield(Reflected): Good Brightfield(Transmitted): Good Darkfield(Reflected): Good Darkfield(Transmitted): N/A DIC(Reflected): Good DIC(Transmitted): N/A Phase Contrast: N/A Relief Contrast: N/A Polarized Light: Good Fluorescence (B, G Excitation): Good UV Fluorescence (at 365nm): Good Multiphoton: N/A TIRF: N/A IR: N/A WLI: N/A Auto Focus: N/A