bar检测系统(BIS)是一种交钥匙解决方案,将相控阵探头集成到一个完全自动化的测试系统中,以满足严格的质量控制标准,同时保持生产率。主要优点包括:内联100%卷圆的和方的检验栏最小化你的依赖操作员技能与自动校准最优缺陷检测和更高的公差在酒吧与浮动头形状设计优秀的耦合使用浸槽收购密度高动态条件下找到小缺陷最少的停机时间with fast changeover Repeatable results on a 24/7 production line Designed to be an easy-to-use solution for quality control in carbon and stainless steel, aluminum, and titanium black and bright bars, the system includes: Dedicated project management Instruments, probes, and mechanical equipment Water management system Software Commissioning, training, and after-sales support