两台机器合二为一,极其紧凑,解决方案!作为二次包装解决方案的领导者,OCME作为Pick & Place机器制造商,以更低的占地面积结合高性能、高质量而进入市场。这个设计背后的概念,实际上是将两台机器合二为一:一个分配器——根据包装模式将进料产品分成不同的车道——和一个分配器&放置包装单元。必威体育app官方下载产品通过单丝输送机进入机器-在垛料装置-。容器的准确数量是由橡胶带适当地添加,并从饲料移动到采摘区域,在那里一个笛卡儿机械手,配备了几个采摘夹具,拿起容器,轻轻地把它们放在纸箱里。为了保证非常高的采摘效率,夹持器的形状是“围绕容器”,以具有完全相同的负几何形状。这样就有可能进行严格的挑选,以避免任何不必要的蒙昧。Scorpius能够每分钟包装40个纸箱。接受纸箱尺寸从220mm x 200mm (H= 200mm)到500mm x 330mm (H=360mm)。瓶最小直径50mm。 Optional Heads replacement trolley which allows removing the picking heads from packer and transferring them in storage unit 3D laser sensor at the outfeed of the machine capable to check that each carton has been properly filled with all required containers. If one or more containers are missing, the machine stops and give an alarm to the operator Sensor at container infeed capable to check that each container is properly oriented