我们为食用油行业设计的高性能填料。每个部门都有特定的需求。OCME设计的旋转称重灌装机,为食用油田行业提供完美的解决方案。Virgo:回转式食用油重量填料Virgo是OCME公司推出的新型食用油重量填料,性能高效。这台机器以这样一种方式概念化,成为一个独特的组合吹塑器。Virgo灵活,可实现颈式或体式装卸,在生产速度和集装箱类型上都能满足所有要求。室女座确保最高的填充精度,感谢其高度先进的电子基于算法发展在20年的应用。机器出料处的拒收系统将不合格品丢弃。在生产周期结束时,所有室女座内部的产品都被回收,以减少浪费。处女座配备了一个控制单元,专门用于安全管理,确保最大的可靠性,所有包括不锈钢和钢化玻璃周边警卫。 Finally, the machine control and supervisor PC allows to monitor weighing statistics and data logging for each container. This ensures maximum control of production batches. Extremely compact machine Weight-based filling Not affected by air bubbles in the product Rejection of containers found outside the weight range High filling accuracy Certified and sealed load cells SAFETY For OCME, safety is an indispensable requirement. The most advanced technology in terms of safety is applied to our machines. This concept extends also to auxiliary devices.