控制单元WM44-P,是一种高精度的工具,具有2个可编程报警阈值。特别适合与传感器或ANEMO4403 SAG105WR结合使用,它仍然与用于旋转运动的广泛传感器兼容。它有2个阈值可编程继电器(ALARM 1和ALARM 2)。该设备可以很容易地安装在仪表板,机柜门和各种类型的工业外壳上。视觉显示-三位数字显示(高度14毫米)- 2 LED指示灯状态警报(AL1和AL2) -指标的单位(公里/小时或英里每小时),“选择”按钮快速选择-延迟定时器激活阈值自动阈值水平下失活的继电器-信号干预AL2闪烁显示的选择模式for the alarm (intermittent, continuous, considered) - Possibility of inversion of the output relay contacts Main Features - Available power supply: 12 Vdc - 24 Vdc - 24 Vac - 110/220 Vac 50/60 Hz - Current consumption equal / less than 3.5 VA - Signal input frequency from 1 to 750 Hz - Voltage signal input 5-35 VDC + -10% - Impedance input sensor ANEMO4403 1K - 10K direct output signal - Power supply output voltage sensor 10 or 20 Vdc (+ -10%) - 2 thresholds programmable relay - Relay contact 4 A - 250 Vac - Operating temperature -20 ° C +70 ° C - Accuracy at 100 Hz + - 1% - Maximum measurable speed 999 km / h - 620 mph - Weight 350 g - Measures dimension: 90x44 mm hole containment - Display Size WxHxD mm 96x48x129 + 8 (terminals)