适用于大型储罐在核算和工艺操作过程中,对液体产品液位进行连续精确测量。必威体育app官方下载适用于低粘度的液体介质和absenсe的硬颗粒。用于石油和天然气、化工、食品、制药和市政工业的物体。可安装在露天场所,在大气降水和太阳辐射条件下的爆炸危险区域(室内和室外)。功能•-抗震的住房由铝合金或耐蚀的钢•-高分辨率•-测量范围高达15米•环境温度从-50 + 100°C•——各种类型的保护电缆护套安装设备(金属软管管道,铠装电缆,•-防爆等级-非常高(0区)说明电子模块安装在液位传感器的外壳内。探头包含一个磁致伸缩材料制成的声导管。吸音管插入到氟塑料管中,氟塑料管的长度上有一圈线圈。液位传感器的外壳内装有连接外部电路的端子夹的信号处理单元。液位传感器有内部和外部接地夹。工作原理基于磁致伸缩效应。 The float with magnet slides along the guide pipe in accordance with liquid level. A current pulse in supplied to the probe winding, causing a magnetic field pulse along the entire length of the acoustic duct. At the location of the float with permanent magnet, an elastic deformation pulse occurs due to impact of the magnetostriction effect, it is going through the acoustic duct.