EI Novatec制造包括各种各样的模块化配件。净化排水系统:超声波净化和清洗,可根据客户需求或模块化的方法。2.标准的碱基处理系统,用于单级或喷淋操作。3.热空气干燥机,红外线干燥机,真空干燥机和离心干燥机。4.溶剂干燥器、超声波除油工具、喷雾净化工具。5. Condensed ultrasonic purification tanks for lab or R & D purpose. Ultrasonics: 1. Piezoelectric and magnetostrictive ultrasonic generators, rimmed or bulk-head covered immersible transducers. 2. Obtainable work frequencies in the range of 18 to 100 kHz. 3. Standard production of the handling systems with load capability to a maximum of 1000 kg. Air and water operations: 1. Water softeners and reverse osmosis 2. Active carbon water purification systems 3. Automatic or manual water demineralising systems 4. Ultra - purification systems and evaporators below vacuum that are user friendly and safe as per the norms.