Variomec MF 060 D翻车机是诺梅特m系列Variomec系统的一部分。Variomec的模块化概念使用了铰接的载体和可互换的工作模块:用于混凝土运输的再搅拌套件、用于搬运岩石的倾倒套件和用于搬运人员的吊杆提升套件。任何组合都可以在几个小时内转换成另一个组合,因为套件使用标准化连接安装到载体上。Variomec MF 060d通常用于中小型隧道断面的隧道工程。betway必威手机版官网下载马克斯。10 t负载。倾卸箱容积为6m³,倾卸角度为85度,倾卸时最大高度为3.96 m。倾倒箱有一个舱口,当箱空时,舱口可以打开。这在倒车时提供了良好的可视性。其他组件,4.4 m³混合器组件和9 m升降机组件可以作为附加设备交付。 The powerful liquid cooled turbo charged Deutz 120 kW or MB 110 kW TIER 3 classified engine provides clean and efficient operation. Maximum speed in a horizontal tunnel is 25 km/h. The fully reversible 4 WD with high traction capability ensures safe and sure movement in difficult ground conditions. Efficient hydraulic dual-circuit oil immersed multi-disc brakes provide safe driving and braking. Vehicle has optional front axle suspension system that improves driving safety and comfort and reduces fatique. The suspension system reduces vibration from wheels to the cabin and improves handling of the vehicle. The suspension system gives efficiency and speed to vehicle usage, with safety and comfort for the driver and the passenger.