我们的新红外LEL监测系统提出了一些创新的技术特点,允许快速响应时间,简单的安装和低维护程序。我们创新的红外传感器不同于市场上所有其他类似产品,这要归功于其特殊的光学系统,基于双固态源和双接收器的组合。必威体育app官方下载4个信号被一个内部微处理器放大,该微处理器不断地比较样品气带和参考带之间的吸收值。这种自动信号补偿系统不断控制和调整红外传感器校准,由于这个原因,我们的红外传感器在施工阶段只进行校准,在整个生命周期中不需要任何进一步的校准。新的NIRA红外LEL监测系统允许一些特殊的优势,烟草,制药和食品包装行业:>低投资。>高LEL系统性能。>印刷领域安全性高。>响应时间快。>无内部重新校准。>系统长期保修。 > Easy and fast installation. > Low maintenance. > Easy Infrared sensors and control modules (Micro PLC) replacement. SAMPLING SYSTEM The sampling system is made by some ejectors which they are completely maintenance free. Each analytical line has its own sample flow regulator and low sample flow sensor. The sampling systems are installed inside the standalone rack (NIRA LEL control system) which can be located anywhere around the gravure press.