自主地板擦洗干燥机的中型到大型环境。允许员工专注于其他任务,而Liberty SC50一次充电可擦洗长达6小时。来认识一下Nilfisk Liberty SC50机器人洗涤干燥器。经过多年的开发、测试、改进、实时测试和更多的改进,它已经为你在机场、学校、医院等地方投入的最大和最艰难的工作做好了准备。自由SC50可以在没有人看管的情况下,在一天中的任何时间把最脏的地板打扫干净。每次都要坚持清洁。Nilfisk Liberty SC50是精确的,细致的,易于使用。事实上,操作员和大多数自动清洁机通常会漏掉15%的空间清洁,但Nilfisk Liberty SC50的独特技术可以让你规划出覆盖98%至99.5%的路线。一旦Liberty SC50清理完一个区域,它就会精确地重复同一路径,一遍又一遍地重复。多打扫,快打扫。 How much more would you get done if no one had to spend time guiding a scrubber dryer over all that floor space? The Liberty SC50 frees up your staff to do those other important jobs that call for a human touch, while it cleans autonomously for up to six hours on a single charge. It also automatically maps out the most efficient cleaning paths and retraces them every time. So you can clean more space in less time at a lower cost every single day. Plus, you’ll get a text when it’s time for the Nilfisk Liberty SC50 to move on to the next task, and you won’t have to think about unnecessary down time either. The Nilfisk Liberty SC50 is a fast learner. When it needs to be taught new tricks, you can teach it yourself.