电信系统的组件在320 MHz的范围内,高达2500 MHz的应用和在电信系统中的描述,例如在无绳电话和移动收发器中,需要高选择性RF滤波器电路。我们开发了一系列螺旋过滤器,在这些应用中提供了改进的性能。在非常高的频率下,传统的谐振电路不如例如同轴线路电路,空腔或lecher管线。通过缠绕螺旋形状的内导体,可以减小同轴线路电路的机械尺寸。这种螺旋内导体的拉伸长度大致等于四分之一波长。通过移动金属芯调节器进行调整;当在螺旋的顶端时,它会导致电容增加;当在螺旋中间时,它会降低电感。在电容调谐的情况下,金属调节螺钉连接到屏蔽。螺旋的底端带有最大电流,因此这是电感输出或输入的最佳区域。 For these purposes, either a winding tap is used or the helix winding can be continued by a path on the printed circuit board, earthed at its end. The printed path has a certain inductance and its addition increases the inductance of the helix, i. e. lowers its frequency. The joint of helix and printed path can be used to create a transformer or for matching the impedance of other elements in the system.