翻盖抓斗M新的标准翻盖抓斗。最具生产力的抓斗各种各样的散装物料。可在一个具有竞争力的价格点。对于许多散装货物的最快和最可靠的处理翻盖抓斗重新创造了95年的经验和创新结合在翻盖抓斗的新标准,翻盖抓斗m。由来自世界各地的客户输入创建,并使用Solid Works和FEM & TACTON产品配置器等技术状态制造。翻盖抓斗,最轻和最多产的翻盖抓斗在市场上。该翻盖抓斗可与20至85吨之间的能力。具有竞争力的价格通过使用最新的工程创新,我们更新了我们的制造工艺,并通过模块化部件增强了我们的翻盖抓斗。结果是一个有竞争力的价格,同时仍然使用最高质量的材料。优化的制造工艺也保证了更短的前置时间为抓斗抓斗。 Lowest maintenance costs Market research shows that the highest cost of any grab will always be the operating expenditure, OPEX. We want to keep the OPEX of our customers as low as possible. That is why we only use the most durable materials and decreased the number of parts that are open to wear and tear. We’ve also made it easier to reach and maintain the different parts of the Clamshell GrabM. That is how we can promise your team a safer work environment and the lowest maintenance costs per tonne transferred. T