CCS封闭式组合系统是NANO自主研发的专利技术产品。采用模块化设计,有效集成了固体制备工艺,实现了智能连续生产。CCS封闭式组合系统是纳米自主研发的专利技术产品。采用模块化设计,有效集成固体制备工艺,实现智能连续生产。其优良的兼容性使生产过程更加科学合理,产量更加稳定。广泛应用于制药工业。CCS (Closed combination System)系统由高剪切造粒机、流化床造粒机或多功能流化床造粒机、辅机系统、充放电系统和接口元件组成。在造粒过程中,高剪切造粒机通过装料系统进入。获得的湿颗粒在流化床造粒机中通过卸料系统进行干燥。在此过程中,完全兼容和匹配的辅助设备与元素协助造粒。 Features: - CCS has all the features of high shear granulator and fluid bed granulator. - Compatible with continuous production to increase production and improve yield. - Fully compatible with PAT process analyzers and highly intelligent control systems. - With automated production conditions, intelligent laser guidance vehicles can be integrated to achieve unmanned material sequencing. - Highly integrated modular and fully enclosed granulation production technology, suitable for flexible processing of multi-variety processes