经典系列入门级龙门移动式数控车床。定制设计,挤压铝龙门提供了一个刚性装配,可以携带多种切割选项,同时提供清洁,光滑的边缘质量。经典数控路由器-一个经济的切割解决方案,需要进行切割的价值,性能和成本效益?这就是经典系列数控路由器的由来。更低的马力(3马力),切割速度(600 IPM)和快速的横向(850)意味着经典系列的敲打项目需要更精细的切割。betway必威手机版官网下载你将使用它工作无孔和复合材料和木材。你可以用它来做新的橱柜,与亚克力,铝,航空航天,或三维雕刻项目。betway必威手机版官网下载像其他多影相机产品一样,它有一个耐用的钢必威体育app官方下载框架。车架的钢结构也意味着它可以消除振动,这有助于保持切割的美观和平滑。经典系列数控路由器是真正的设计为简单和易于使用。 An optional vacuum table is available to help you hold down your project. Aside from that, you get exactly what you see with the V-Series. To speed up the making of your project, you also have an automatic calibration tool available. EZ Suite software is included to make the setup and operation of your V-Series CNC router even simpler and more intuitive. Finally, with a repeatability of just 1/1000th of an inch, you always get a consistently excellent cut. And you get all this for a reasonable price that’s easy on your company’s budget. Just call Multicam at 972.929.4070 today to learn more about the budget-friendly V-Series CNC router and how it can help you make fine and precision cuts.