起重卷筒可能很重而且费力。Movomech提供一系列符合人体工程学的轧辊处理概念解决方案,适用于不同的行业和工作场所。各种安装选项提供了许多可能性,为每个客户的需求找到一个完整的解决方案。这种概念工具完全是机械的,不需要电力、气动或液压。Movomech的概念滚轮处理工具系列的设计是可靠和坚固的。锁定功能的工作,使更高的负载产生更好的抓地力,确保安全和安全的处理。Movomech还提供定制的轧辊处理工具,气动驱动锁定和旋转。手动夹紧功能使用工具管内的夹紧齿机械夹紧轧辊。操作员用简单的手动操作激活这些。增加的安全性负载越重,咬合齿对滚轮的控制就越紧,这就提供了安全可靠的操作。 Rotating round the centre of gravity The roll handling tool GW pivots around the common centre of gravity of the tool and the roll. This means that the rotational movement is soft and controlled = good operator handling ergonomics! A brake provides the means for stopping the rotational movement when needed. Many installation possibilities There are many ways of installing our tools so as to suit the requirements that the customer has regarding placing and stability. The tool may be combined with a hoist in a crane or a rail system, or it can be mounted on a telescoping pillar lift – Mechlift Pro – for handling that requires greater precision.