T1500-无尘室是Movexx T1500的改进型,特别设计用于在无尘室环境中拉动手推车和手推车。由于洁净室的轮子是封闭的,所以很少出现污垢的顶点,而且轮子不散发污垢。此外,电动拖船完全由不锈钢(INOX)组成,可以轻松彻底清洁,使t1500 -洁净室成为维护友好的电动拖船。电动拖船也有更轻的版本,Movexx t1000 -洁净室,和更强大的版本,Movexx t2500 -洁净室。适用于洁净室。t1500 -无尘室是专门为在无尘室环境中工作而设计的。强大。t1500 -无尘室能够轻松移动高达1500公斤的推车和手推车。维护友好。t1500 -洁净室由可持续,高品质不锈钢组成,防止腐蚀,保证寿命。 Normal metals lose quality because of corrosion, but this does not affect stainless steel. The frame is polished smooth, making the surface of the machine smooth and easy to clean. This makes the T1500-Clean Room maintenance friendly and to keep its high quality for a long time.