Morooka的Tub Grinder在日本国内市场拥有1号股份。橡胶轨道和HST驱动系统可降低振动和噪音。Morooka闻名和HST驱动系统降低了橡胶轨道和噪声。由于HST系统,发动机上的负载减少了,并且易于使用并且非常经济。凭借莫鲁科(Morooka)的橡胶爬行者的骄傲,它可以到达需要工作的任何地方而不会损害道路。您不必选择位置,也可以在需要工作的任何地方压碎。可以有力地粉碎活树木,树枝和树叶,木材,竹子,草和塑料的建筑材料。通过在林区粉碎木材废料,我们不仅可以减少废物,而且可以通过生产木屑和蔬菜肥料堆并用作能量来将废物作为自然资源重复使用。莫鲁科(Morooka)为地球环境和社会做出了贡献。Morooka的浴缸研磨机简单,经济和紧凑。 Our tub grinder is simple in structure. Maintenance such as inspection, repairs, parts exchange are easy, so the running cost can be reduced.As it is a simple design and unnecessary parts are not attached, we can provide at an economical cost. Reasonable Stationary Tub Grinder “MC-2500T”. MC-2500T is stationary tub grinder cutting down crawler system. Reasonable price with same capability and quality of MC-2000VA and maintainability is also easy as same as otehr models.