特点地图美国商业地点北美总部是前1000家公共公司Top 225私营企业大型企业缩放,滚动,喜爱的MobileDemand崎岖的平板电脑用户XSalesMap是一个通用Windows平台应用程序(UWP)详细信息,详细说明了这种新的映射应用程序Mobiledemand在两种方式内部。第一个是实时客户安装基本地图,其中颜色编码引脚表示实际的客户位置。第二个是销售团队看到他们领土的地理位置量。它显示了面对面销售会议的目标客户和前景的颜色编码引脚;所以旅行销售人员将最富有成效。销售人员可以看到安装的客户非常接近他们的新前景,因此他们可以努力提及当地参考,以帮助他们的销售活动。销售人员可以在特定地点看到他们的所有活动,帮助合作伙伴了解领导或前景的成功。XSALESMAP应用程序有两种模式。从商店下载时,公共模式是默认模式。 This shows the top 1,000 public companies and the top 250 private companies in the US in color-coded pin locations. A sales person managing a territory will find this useful in zooming in on major company headquarter locations, especially if they are visiting an area they may not be completely familiar. This can be very useful in visualizing locations of companies as opposed to just seeing a list of companies for a metro area with suburb names and/or zip codes. Clicking on the pin and you will find the address, web-site, and other useful information