来自MobileDemand的基于云的二合一xTablet Flex 10B是为“轻”和“中”任务的移动应用程序而构建的。xTablet Flex 10B不仅轻薄,适用于移动设备,还配备了标准的保护外壳和防刮屏保护膜,延长了普通消费级平板电脑的使用寿命。其他功能和功能包括:微软®Windows®10 Pro操作系统与英特尔®赛扬N4100四核处理器,让您全天工作效率。Snap on a full QWERTY keyboard for accurate and efficient data entry使用完整的QWERTY键盘添加一个画架,可以从任何角度观看平板电脑。画架和键盘分开销售。10.1寸1280x800显示屏,适合各年龄段用户使用。xTablet Flex 10B带有保护外壳的xTablet Flex 10B通过MIL-STD-810G认证,通过将平板从4英尺高处跌落到混凝土上的胶合板上26次测试。3000mAh锂离子电池使用时间长达4-6小时。快速和容易安装在墙壁和车辆利用可选的Snap Mount -现在与我们新的小Snap plate! New metal corner loops for stronger handle and strap support The Windows® Professional operating system runs full versions of your business and desktop applications providing even greater capacity to a mobile workforce. That means long-term cost savings by requiring less IT support. Additional screw inserts for productivity enhancing add-ons, including an Integrated MagTek MSR which is coming soon.