开路塔。PMS系列有针对小尺寸植物,所有型号全部在本厂完全预装。- 具有直接耦合的轴向电机,安装功率低,噪音水平低。- 塔式和坦克完全由玻璃纤维制成,无腐蚀材料。- PVC,PP或PE中的分配系统配备宽的非堵塞PP喷嘴。- 用不同种类的空气/水通道填充包装,适用于不同的水类型。- 容量:从18到860 kW(指示灯指示机器,热梯度5°C)。壳体(外壳,顶部和盆地)完全由玻璃纤维增强聚酯树脂制成,结构上自支撑和独家MITA设计,胶涂层外部饰面为紫外线保护。水收集盆配倾斜底座,以允许完全排空,并用圆角平稳的内饰,便于清洁。配备法兰出水,溢流,排水连接和化妆(配有浮动球)连接。 The cooling tower with basin is complete with FRP air inlet louvers. NUTS AND BOLTS in stainless steel AISI 304. AXIAL FAN SYSTEM made of: fan supporting ring in hot-dip galvanised steel after fabrication axial impeller directly coupled with the electric motor shaft three-phase electric motor, sealed execution (IP56), without ventilation, with back closing shield, multi-voltage (230/400 – 400/690) and multi-frequency (50-60 Hertz), with tropicalized windings, class F insulation. FAN PROTECTION GRID in stainless steel AISI 304 HATCH for visual inspection in nylon reinforced with fibreglass. .