LT364电导率级传感器几乎可以使用任何导电流体来提供点流体检测。该产品专门针对旋转机械需要保护其设备免于过热。Minco过去曾在定制的基础上设计和提供液位水平检测产品,但这是Minco首次积极促进我们的液位水平检测功能。必威体育app官方下载。强大的设计可抵抗在电嘈杂环境中干扰的功能。。比其他技术的其他提供商低成本。。没有活动部件使其易于失败。。 New products offer a larger offering at a single source in Minco (eliminates need to contact alternate vendors) . One piece design = easy installation with NPT threads and Delphi Metri-Pak connector. . Stainless steel probes resist corrosion. . Low cost due to plastic injection molded body. Applications . Primary target is our Rotating Machinery market, specifically generators and specifically coolant level detection. . Fluid detection to protect valuable equipment from damage due to lack of cooling or water leakage. . The product is attractive to a wide range of customers for recovery tank monitoring and leak detection as well. . For this specific product, the fluid to be measured must be conductive (water-based).