无刷POWERSTATE™电动机提供绳切割性能高达10倍更多汽车生活,2 x运行时相对于其他无线解决方案REDLINK加上™情报系统提供了一种先进的数字过载保护工具,电池和独特增强工具性能负载下REDLITHIUM™电池组提供superior pack construction, electronics and fade-free performance to deliver more run time and more work over pack life Largest cutting capacity up to 125 x 125 mm material diameter 5 step variable speed selection from 0 - 116 m/min Tool-free blade locking mechanism for quick and easy saw blade changes Solid metal rafter hook for quick and easy jobsite storage Slim full metal motor housing design and LED work surface illumination for best cut visibility Flexible battery system: works with all MILWAUKEE® M18™ batteries