行业最新的热流道技术,提供最高的性能和最高的精度。适用于今天具有研磨性,腐蚀性,剪切性和温度敏感性的树脂,如PC, POM和PBT的成型。summit -系列是苛刻的医疗,个人护理和技术成型应用的关键。summit -系列喷嘴优越的热剖面(5%最大变化*)适用于成型剪切和温度敏感树脂。异常过程控制和重复性。生产高质量的零件,减少废料。可从分型线使用。全不锈钢结构最大的耐腐蚀性和磨蚀树脂。有助于防止过早磨损造成的污染缺陷。 Extends service life. iFLOW Manifold Technology Best in-class melt management More info. Industry leading mold fill balance. Rapid color change performance. Extensive flexibility for design optimization. Patented melt flow geometry, flow path options and runner shapes. Reduced stack height. Brazed Heater Technology Full heater contact optimizes heat transfer More info. Superior system thermal balance. Exceptional reliability minimizes downtime. Eliminate spare heater costs EcoDisk Ceramic Pads Standard in all Summit-Series systems. Provides greater thermal stability. Reduces energy consumption by up to 29% (vs. steel pads). Industry’s Best Warranty Available 10 year coverage.