系统的中心是动态存储管理器DSM 4.0。它是电力存储单元和直流电网之间的连接,在驱动器控制器中称为DC-Links。DSM 4.0总是直接连接到驱动器控制器的DC-Link。无论DCLink会带来什么任务,动态存储管理器都会完成它。而且速度很快。速度如此之快,以至于人类和机器甚至不会注意到DSM 4.0是否不能与驱动控制器或更高级别的控制进行通信。它从系统中充电,并在需要或被告知这样做时提供能量。这样对应用程序是最好的。或者对于电源,在那里高功率负载的不必要的影响可以被平衡和避免。始终如一地使用,这可以节省很多成本。 Hereby it supports the drives electronics, especially in short cycles, in a way that the service life of the drives electronics is drastically extended and unplanned standstills are minimized. This support can even have the effect that the system can be accelerated if the mechanical parts of the system are made for faster cycles. Faster machines, higher quantities, higher productivity and more profit!