在一侧的脚de-skinner是橡胶拔治疗鸡爪的手指。另一边是清洁产品,皮肤冲进下水道。快速、卫生、高效。脚de-skinner M1.0机械de-skins家禽的脚,自动。使用泵脚可以插入,升降输送机或用手。使用橡胶脚deskinned采集手指覆盖安装,由一个电动马达驱动的。水喷淋系统集成在封面和de-skinner提供一个内部过滤板,将脚从皮肤。皮肤然后用水排放。这台机器有一个料斗在一边,一个卸料槽的另一端,可以放在下一箱。水和皮肤通过排水管连接。 The benefit of the machine is that it can be installed in any department of the poultry processing plant. Product highlights Processing up to 12,000bph / 200bpm Can be installed in any department of the poultry processing plant High yield with proven technology Low maintenance and easy access for cleaning Option for automatic in-feed via connection from the feet Scalder