Li2YC11Y (1 × 2 ~ 12 × 2) AWG 24(7)技术数据柔性,双绞线,全屏蔽,无卤素数据传输专用电缆。特殊功能双绞线铁芯增加了串扰衰减。全屏蔽防止干扰和外部影响。施工数据锡线,细线铜绞线7 x 0.203 mm Ø,核心截面0.22 mm2 (AWG 24)。芯材为PE,有色,第二色为耐磨有色环。Ø的铜丝每芯= 0.6 mm,绝缘壁厚= 0.3 mm, Ø的绝缘芯= 1.2 mm。2芯紧紧绞成一对,绞长20mm,即每米50绞。芯子集合包裹一层透明聚酯箔(15 x 0.019毫米)。完整的屏蔽层位于箔层之上;镀锡铜线的编织提供了86%到90%的视觉覆盖率。 Over the shield, the cables are wrapped with fleece and a special matte black PUR jacket. Electrical and thermal properties at 20°C: Conductor resistance approx. 92 Ω/km. Core insulation resistance > 2,000 M Ω x km Capacitance at 800 Hz: nom. 56 nF/km Operating voltage: max. 250 V AC Test voltage (core/core + shield) 800 V AC Current rating (ambient temp. 25°C) max. 2 A Characteristic impedance of 90 Ω at 5 MHz, 110 Ω at 2 MHz Inductance (measured at 800 Hz) core/core: approx. 0.7 mH/km Temperature range -10°C to + 80°C (installation and operation) -30°C to + 80°C (transport and storage)