广泛的输出电压-广泛的许用载荷高精度和稳定性低谐波失真-多级保护系统集成数字信号发生器——一代的谐波vis - 400集成电压源设计用作参考交流电压源的PS2电源electricity meter test equipment and in laboratories. The output voltage is isolated and independent of mains voltage. The power stage of the source utilizes the Power Width Modulation (PWM) technology, which ensures high efficiency and thus contributes very small heat losses. The stage is driven by an onboard Digital Signal Generator. The control signal may be composed of harmonics of independently defined amplitudes and phases. The internal feedback loop utilizes the DSP technology. Advanced algorithms applied ensure high stability of amplitude and phase angle as well as low distortions of the output voltage over a full range of allowable loads of various characters.