适用于将冻肉块研磨至- 20o C至所需的造粒,并根据使用的设备进行其他技术操作。建设优势:高品质不锈钢的执行高质量的碎肉执行压室和紧迫的蠕虫在高度耐磨蚀不锈钢两个兼容驱动器喂虫子和紧迫的蠕虫前确保最佳调整量的材料切割系统包括高质量切割设备平滑控制feeding worm smooth control of the pressing worm automatic adjustment of the feeding speed the set load of pressing worm pressing worm equipped with an automatic pushing out system touch screen operator panel,microprocessor controller responsible for control of all work parameters unique construction of pressing worm, worms in the production of CNC machining centres from a single piece of steel by machining different types of worms depending on the product range and customer requirements