Meka水平屏幕是质量,可靠性和性能的组合;在最苛刻的应用程序中运营的同时提供长期使用寿命。经过验证的椭圆形卒中设计增加生产,减少再循环载荷。椭圆形抛出动作使Meka屏幕几乎不堵塞并提高质量输出。在会议改变筛选条件时,可以微调冲程角度,幅度和速度的能力增加了多功能性。超强的车身结构,耐用轴承安装,电脑设计的铬钼镍齿轮套装,具有优质冶金延长使用寿命。高强度筛体体屏幕的主体非常强大地支持高功率机制所需的应力。这种刚度由由梁部分制成的框架提供,其位于关键区域中的加强件。侧板由优质钢和激光切割孔制成。框架夹住螺栓固定到侧板上的结构完整性并消除屏幕体内的应力致料。 MOTOR BASE The motor base coupled with the belt tensioning system enables a practical motor assembly and V belt - pulley replacement and provides energy efficiency by keeping the belt tension at the desired level. In addition, by providing a bolted connection between the motor frame and the main frame, cracks and fatigue issues associated with welding are avoided. SCREEN DECKS MEKA Horizontal screens can accommodate all media types, wire cloth, urethane and rubber. Steel Wire cloth is suitable for the screening of low moisture materials that are non-corrosive and non-abrasive, and that will not cause clogging or accumulation problems.