当手柄可以360度旋转时,选择GM型。*操作方便我们的产品与其他产品相比,操作时的手柄力非常小,机械效率高,工作方便。该绞车结构紧凑,重量轻,携带方便。用户可以使用规定的螺栓轻松安装绞车。此外,绞车的各个部件都是通过冲压加工而成,整机采用螺栓组装,拆卸方便。任何人都可以修理和组装此绞车,只需购买必要的更换部件,并根据手册中的说明进行安装。*卓越的耐久性球轴承仅由领先制造商用于所有轴承。轴承允许平稳提升,并提供出色的抗磨损性。齿轮减速器采用我们独特的换挡型齿轮,经过特殊热处理,使您可以安全地工作。自动制动器具有出色的耐久性,因为它具有可以根据需要调整间隙的机构。 Baking finish performed on the surface is resistant to rust. It is strong and can be used in any location. * Reliable safety Carefully selected materials as well as advanced design and technology provide the extremely high safety. We have enhanced the strength of the portions where load is intensively applied by combining a precision press-processing rib or double plate. A fail-safe mechanism is employed for the mechanical brake, so it never enters the state of no brake even if the impact is applied to a stopper arm.