Master bond UV18S是一种特殊的UV系统,用于粘合、涂层和密封,具有卓越的耐化学性、优异的物理强度和韧性。当暴露在波长为320-365 nm、能量输出低至20-40毫瓦/ cm²的紫外线光源下时,UV18S容易在20-30秒内固化。固化速率取决于化合物与光源的距离,截面的厚度,当然还有光源的强度。应该注意的是,该系统可以固化的截面高达0.080-0.125英寸。然而,当粘合时,千分之几英寸的截面就足够了。Master Bond UV18S不受氧抑制,因此在这方面不需要任何特殊处理。它能很好地与玻璃、表面处理过的金属和塑料(如聚碳酸酯和丙烯酸等)结合。UV18S不仅适用于粘接应用;它也可以用作涂料或密封胶。它具有很好的耐温性,固化后的收缩率极低。 Its forte is robust chemical resistance to a number of aggressive chemicals (listed in the chart below). The system does not contain any solvents or volatiles and none are released during cure. Its service temperature range is -60°F to +250°F. UV18S is an outstanding electrical insulator. Ideal for high production applications where fast fixture times and rapid curing are critical, UV18S is widely used in fiber-optic, optical, electronic and related industries.