Liqui View Base系列根据Vortex原理运行。障碍物(悬崖体)放在液体的流中,以与液体的速度成比例的频率下游。这种涡流的模式被命名为vonKármán涡流街(图1)。压电传感器检测到涡旋并产生与液体流速成正比的电脉冲。乐器可以安装在任何位置。酒精视图基仪可以以10 l/min到最大的150 l/min的全尺度范围。12条压力等级。此外,可以为仪器提供模拟输出或脉冲输出。液类视图基础仪器的预期用途是测量与仪器湿部分兼容的水和水状液体。从装运之日起一年内,有必要使用材料和工艺缺陷必威体育app官方下载的产品B.V.产品,前提 physical damage or contamination. Products that do not operate properly during this period may be repaired or replaced at no charge. Makes liquid flows visible by pulse output No moving parts makes it: - impervious to deposits - maintenance free Low pressure drop Mounting in any position Wide flow ranges Fast response Suitable for dirty water (circulating, well or waste water) Sustainable product design - Low power consumption - Lightweight and compact