KME-V泵是垂直轴,径向分开,环形截面设计多级离心泵的非自动灌注型。叶轮在轴承,单个入口,封闭式和动态平衡之间。将校正叶轮直径以获得最佳粘附到所需的职责点。为了平衡轴向推力,所有叶轮都有背部磨损环。对于高压,使用平衡光盘应用。泵系列由2种尺寸组成。KME 100和125.阶段从2到最大值。7个阶段。泵和电动机通过柔性耦合彼此连接。通常,排出部分处于电机侧,吸入部分处于死端侧。 Suction and discharge nozzles may be a choice of three 90° positions. By special request, it is possible to put the suction nozzle at the motor side. In this arrangement pump and motor rotation must be counter clockwise For pumping of clear and slightly contaminated liquids in: Water supply systems, Booster sets in high rise buildings and industry, Water treatment, Industrial washdown systems, Fire extinguishing plants, Boiler feed and condensate transfer, Sanitary and cleaning installations, For industrial applications and public services, Water distribution services, Industrial applications, Shipbuilding, Mining, Power Stations, Filter Units, Irrigation plants, Central heating systems