360˚创新和多功能的客车轮胎或车轮展示架。五个可调节的架子,以适应您的不同的整体轮胎宽度。显示多达5个轮胎,外径可达66厘米。添加车轮支架* (MTWD-R)显示9个车轮高达56厘米外径。个性化您的六个标题,显示您的标志。*The impressive Passenger car tyre & wheel display will make a good first impression on your customers. Its solid and elegant steel structure will last through time and its versatility will allow you to adapt to new tyre and wheel trends. The Passenger car tyre & wheel display rack can also display 9 wheels on its tree sides by adding the wheel brackets.* Equipped with 3 customisable headers at the top and bottom, your tyre and wheel display rack will create an outstanding effect. Simply provide your high-resolution logo and our header outlines to your local printer.