在技术先进的机器上自动加工Marovt公司的优势在于我们自己的锻造中的锻造部件。这就是为什么我们能够确保具有一起定义的特性的锻造部件。锻造部件的加工主要是自动化的;因此,人类因子降低,永久地相同的技术方法可以确保以相同的方式加工和根据相同的程序进行控制和测试的所有部件。锻造部件的加工在技术先进的3和4轴机器上进行。我们的加工中心有可能使用多达40个可变的切割工具。该工具长达300毫米长,高达10千克重。加工中心主轴可旋转高达20,000 rpm。在我们的中心改变切割工具只需要1.7秒,这大大缩短了加工时间。我们所有的加工中心都有一个托盘系统,可消除将锻造部件安装到夹紧装置中的时间。 This increases the efficiency of the machine. The tendency of machining of forged parts is that the machining is done in one grip. This increases the stability of the machining process. Machining of forged parts at Marovt has a long tradition. We can offer you a complete service. Our customers are mainly large car companies, which can guarantee that the company Marovt works well and above all quality. We have experience in machining of forged parts in all metals. The vast majority of our products are made of stainless steel. Forgings parts are also processed by turning on three automated lines.