LF1000型是Makita的第一个翻转锯。斜切锯和台式锯的组合具有很大的通用性。它的主要优点是;重量仅32公斤(70磅),便于运输到工作地点。快速斜锯/台式锯转换。电子恒速控制,软启动。刚性铸造铝台面。轻量化电机,转换方便快捷。强大的电机设计切割棘手的材料和坚硬的木材。斜切或平切的最大厚度超过2锯软启动,并在负载下保持恒定速度。 Machined aluminium table for strength and accuracy. On-off switch with anti restart safety feature. Aluminium cast base gives superb rigidity. Fold away legs for easy transport in car or van. Weighs only 33kg for easy transport. Excellent for all aspects of site work, including 1st and 2nd fix. Versatile workshop machine.